All electrolytics replaced, stereo decoder repaired, amplifier modified with bias control (originally not present!) and installed LED scale, meter and indicator needle illumination. Meticulously cleaned inside and out by a good friend of mine. Modest power, only 2 x 12 Watts at 8 Ohms but with original Sanken power transistors a true joy to listen to with a sensitive pair of speakers.

Fitting a 3 mm white LED inside the little metal box from which the indicator needle hangs was another one of those extremely fiddly jobs. The beam of light had to be directed exactly downwards into the needle to properly illuminate it. I filed a little aluminium bushing to the exact size, fitted the LED and glued it into position inside the metal box. Soldered the very thin wires to the LED and put it back together again. Very carefully of course, not to break or damage the nearly 50 year old string that moves the needle up and down the scaleā¦